Loading classes from strings in Ruby

When working with Ruby, every once in a while you'll find yourself messing with a bunch of strings which are the names of classes. Given these strings, you'll need to go and instantiate the appropriate classes - something like taking "Array", "File" or "Booga" and figuring out how to call Array.new, File.new or... well, you get the picture. If you're wondering when you'd ever need this, just try instantiating controllers at runtime based on the urls being requested.

The usual suspect - Module#const_get

The first time I needed to do this, I did a Google search without actually thinking about it too much. The number one result was Module.const_get which does pretty much what is needed.
irb(main):005:0> Module.const_get('Array').new
=> []
As the docs would tell you, this returns the named constant which matches the string, which is pretty much what classes are - named constants which are instances of the Class class. Well, it worked, and beyond reading that this wouldn't work for classes which are nested in modules (const_get doesn't know or care about parsing stuff like the :: in Net::HTTP), I didn't bother too much. I did, however, come across something called Kernel#qualified_const_get which gets around this limitation, but more on that later.

But Module#const_get is a hack

Using const_get is effectively a hack - it uses the fact that class names are also constants to allow you to get hold of them.
Why do I say it's a hack? Well, if for some obscure reason you decided to create a class which was not a named constant, then you can't get hold of it with const_get. Here's an example:
ooga = Class.new   # Create a class the hard way
ooga.class_eval do # Add a method to it the hard way
  def hello

p ooga.new.hello   # Prove that ooga can be instantiated
p Module.const_get('Array').new # As can 'Array', a named constant, using const_get
p Module.const_get('ooga').new.hello # But not 'ooga', which isn't
temp05.rb:10:in `const_get': wrong constant name ooga (NameError)
from temp05.rb:10

But what about eval?

Today, Srihari asked me if he could load up classes using eval. I said, 'Just use Module.const_get', but of course we were curious so we tried using eval and it worked. Obviously, given that eval effectively allows you to interpret code at runtime, it also handles nested classes and/or modules. Here's a code sample showing a regular invocation, an invocation using eval and an invocation using const_get (which fails) of a nested class:

module Ooga
  class Booga
    def hello

puts Ooga::Booga.new

puts eval('Ooga::Booga').new

puts Module.const_get('Ooga::Booga').new
temp04.rb:15:in `const_get': wrong constant name Ooga::Booga (NameError)
from temp04.rb:15
Ruby 1.8.6, 2007-06-07, i486-linux

Here Booga is a class nested in the module Ooga and as you can see const_get fails to fetch it because it isn't a constant (heck, it isn't even the right syntax for a constant).

Performance of const_get and eval

Let's take a look at the performance of const_get versus eval, an important factor if you're doing this inside a loop or some such.
require 'benchmark'

n = 1000000

Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |rpt|
rpt.report("simple invocation") do
  n.times {Array.new}

rpt.report("const_get invocation") do
  n.times {Kernel.const_get('Array').new}

rpt.report("eval invocation") do
  n.times {eval('Array').new}

Ruby 1.8.6, 2007-06-07, i486-linux
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------------------
simple invocation      0.910000   0.090000   1.000000 (  1.013326)
const_get invocation   1.400000   0.110000   1.510000 (  1.513216)
eval invocation        3.480000   0.220000   3.700000 (  3.692692)
----------------------------------------------- total: 6.210000sec

                         user     system      total        real
simple invocation      0.890000   0.100000   0.990000 (  1.000915)
const_get invocation   1.440000   0.080000   1.520000 (  1.514948)
eval invocation        3.490000   0.200000   3.690000 (  3.689998)

const_get takes 1.5 times longer, while eval takes more than 3 times as long as a simple invocation.

The Kernel#qualified_const_get alternative

Now, back to Kernel#qualified_const_get which was created by Gregory in this blog post a couple of years ago. It's looks a lot like const_get but is capable of figuring out nested classes too and it works just fine. However, it's very slow (it isn't native C code) and should probably be named something else because it has nothing to do with fetching constants any more. Kernel#fetch_class perhaps? But some numbers first:
require 'benchmark'
require 'qualified_const_get'

module Ooga
  class Booga
    def hello

n = 1000000

Benchmark.bmbm(10) do |rpt|
rpt.report("simple invocation") do
  n.times {Ooga::Booga.new}

rpt.report("qualified const_get invocation") do
  n.times {Kernel.qualified_const_get('Ooga::Booga').new}

rpt.report("eval invocation") do
  n.times {eval('Ooga::Booga').new}
Ruby 1.8.6, 2007-06-07, i486-linux
Rehearsal -------------------------------------------------------
simple invocation     0.860000   0.120000   0.980000 (  0.991182)
qualified_const_get  16.620000   2.330000  18.950000 ( 19.052966)
eval invocation       4.500000   0.230000   4.730000 (  4.741436)
--------------------------------------------- total: 24.660000sec

                        user     system      total        real
simple invocation     0.990000   0.100000   1.090000 (  1.090303)
qualified_const_get  17.290000   2.420000  19.710000 ( 19.735733)
eval invocation       4.250000   0.170000   4.420000 (  4.429670)
See what I mean about qualified_const_get being slow because it isn't native?

Here's the implementation of Kernel#qualified_const_get quoted from his blog:
# http://redcorundum.blogspot.com/2006/05/kernelqualifiedconstget.html
module Kernel
  def qualified_const_get(str)
    path = str.to_s.split('::')
    from_root = path[0].empty?
    if from_root
      from_root = []
      path = path[1..-1]
      start_ns = ((Class === self)||(Module === self)) ? self : self.class
      from_root = start_ns.to_s.split('::')
    until from_root.empty?
        return (from_root+path).inject(Object) { |ns,name| ns.const_get(name) }
      rescue NameError
    path.inject(Object) { |ns,name| ns.const_get(name) }

  • There are three choices when trying to convert a string to the corresponding class: Kernel#const_get, eval and Kernel#qualified_const_get
  • Kernel#const_get is the fastest, doesn't handle nested classes and works for all but the weirdest of scenarios (the class you're trying to get hold of isn't a named constant)
  • eval is significantly slower, but it works in any situation
  • Kernel#qualified_const_get is abysmally slow, but handles nested classes. However, until there is a native implementation, it loses to eval on every front

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Dean Wampler said...

I've been experimenting with JRuby and found that using const_get is just unreliable, while eval works fine. For example, a java class com.foo.bar.Baz is represented as Java::FooBar::Baz. If you do const_get on Java::FooBar, you get a string "Java::FooBarConst_get". It appears that these Java package modules must define method_missing to just concatenate the method name to the module name. I haven't investigated further.

Anyway, using eval works fine.

/dev/noel said...

Not exactly faster, but another approach is to iterate through the ObjectSpace collection, and instantiate the matching class:

require 'my_package/my_class'

class Factory
def self.get_object(o)
ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |c|
return c.new() if c.name.eql?(o)
return nil

require 'factory'
o = Factory.get_object("MyPackage::MyClass")

Dave Rogers said...

If you have a string containing a potential class name and you're not sure if its formatted correctly for whatever reason before you use 'eval' or 'Kernel.const_get', you can use 'Kernel.subclasses_of(ActiveRecord::Base).member?(YourClass)' to check if it exists so you don't get a 'LoadError: ./activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:426:in `load_missing_constant''

Anonymous said...

Have you tried "MyClassName".constantize.new ???

Unknown said...

Yes, I have!!! But #constantize is a Rails (activesupport) extension, so without Rails, no #constantize.

Mike Boone said...

I added the Rails 2.3.5 constantize to the benchmarks above, and in my results it's over 7 times slower than the "simple invocation" and 4 times slower than const_get.

Travis said...

I haven't benchmarked this, but you can also do:


Scott Smith said...

Sidu and Travis: thanks for clarifying this. I am able to use Travis' way to retrieve a class nested within a module.